Hospice at Home provides respite and end of life care for children and young people who prefer to remain in their own home rather than coming to the hospice.

The Care We Provide
We know it is important to provide continuity in your child’s care. Therefore we will try to provide the same group of trained staff who are familiar with your child’s health needs.

Respite Care
Our team of specialist trained nurses and play and care workers will support your child’s health needs as well as providing social interaction and play.

Hospital Visits and Appointments
We are aware that having a child with complex needs sometimes requires many appointments and this can be very stressful. By providing you with an extra pair of hands this could help to make your journey smoother.

Where possible we can discuss providing staff to accompany you on hospital or doctor appointments.

End of Life Care
Our specialist trained staff will work closely with the palliative care team and the children’s community nurses to make your child as comfortable as possible in their own home.
We are there to support your medical, physical, spiritual and emotional needs during this difficult time, giving you confidence knowing there is a dedicated team of staff available to be there to support your child’s care needs and support you as a family.

"It’s reassuring to know that when we leave him not only is he is being well cared for, but he is having a great time too", Richard House mum

Find out more about our end of life care services