Richard House specialises in the emotional and holistic support of our families and children. We help them foster good mental wellbeing and offer them multiple platforms to express how they are feeling, communicate with peers and professionals who understand their challenges, and learn practical tools to manage their mental health and self-care. 

As part of our partnerships with our corporate supporters, we want to offer the same specialist services to you and your teams. 

"Particularly in the current climate, learning to support yourself and your teams, manage high levels of stress, and practicing honesty around how you are all feeling are excellent skills to develop. The Corporate Partnerships Team and I are here to help your organisation in all areas of mental health as much as we can."

Isabella Barrand, Therapies Practitioner at Richard House

Upcoming Wellbeing Events

Across the year the Corporate Partnerships Team will offer events that you can get involved in, that focus around a variety of mental and occupational health concerns. Some of these will be individual ticketed events that you can offer out to employees, others will focus specifically on training and support for managers or senior leadership teams, and some will be ready-made products or seminars that your company can order and then share as you wish across your organisation. 

Our aim is to make these events not only relevant to your company needs, but also the wider picture of the world we are living in and the challenges facing all of us - no better example being than the ongoing threat of coronavirus and impact to our work and social lives, but also the increased digitalisation of our relationships and other global factors. 

Currently, our wellbeing services for our partners focus around resources that can be accessed remotely, and we will continue to plan additional support services throughout the pandemic and on returning to the workplace.

Key Workers Support Guide

Upon the announcement of lock-down measures and remote working, we created a Key Workers Support Guide, outlining some of the things we can all do for ourselves to protect our mental health in these uncertain times. This free, downloadable resource may help your team to open up a dialogue about where they are struggling with ongoing isolation and virtual living, from which you can then determine if any of our bespoke webinar options listed below may be of value, or if there are other key concerns developing that you wish to discuss with us - we are always here to listen.  

Download Key Workers Support Guide

"Spinning Plates" Webinar - Maternal Mental Health

Maternal Mental Health Day was celebrated on the 29th April 2020. Richard House was planning a ticketed seminar in the city for our partners to attend, based around the topic of mental health for working mums who are juggling multiple roles within their life.  

Given the current covid-19 crisis, we were unable to proceed with the event in its planned format, however we feel there is no more prevalent time than now to focus on parental wellbeing and mental health. Both mums and dads are finding themselves wearing multiple hats every day; teacher, entertainer, parent, partner, employee, boss/manager, colleague, friend, carer for vulnerable relatives, cook and cleaner, even their own personal trainer!

This is further amplified in households that are single parent, or where one part of the parenting team is a key worker or in isolation. We know that for many of our Richard House families, the burden of these responsibilities and the pressure of self-motivation in every aspect of their life is making our parents feel further isolated, out of their depth with workloads, and inadequate in catering to the educational and developmental needs of their children.

Due to this, we translated our planned event into an online resource, a "Spinning Plates" webinar that our corporate partners can order and share among your parent or women's networks, or on your intranet for all staff. 

For more details on this webinar and how you can access it, visit our Spinning Plates webpage

Further ways in which we can support your team:

Bespoke Webinars/Seminars - Virtual and On-Demand!

Is there a particular area that you feel is currently being overlooked within the mental health services you are offering staff, or are you hearing similar feedback from employees that they feel they need better support in a particular area? Perhaps in the current climate you are feeling that motivation and morale are taking a hit as your team struggles with continued feelings of isolation and loneliness, which we know can lead to greater mental health issues in the long-term if not properly addressed. 

Our Richard House Specialists are able to facilitate any bespoke seminar or webinar requests you may have for your team.

Some of the topics that we are able to deliver bespoke sessions on include: 

  • Grief and Bereavement (including handling this in the workplace and supporting colleagues)
  • Hydration, Nutrition and their relationship to Mental Health
  • Fostering Good Mental Health and Body Mapping
  • Work/Life Balance and Quality of Time
  • Wellbeing when Transitioning into the Workforce (aimed around apprentices, graduates or those joining organisations in entry-level posts)
  • Stress, isolation and loneliness

If you have a different topic in mind that isn't listed here, please get in touch with us and we can discuss. 

For live seminars, an hour to 90 minutes is typically an effective time to cover a topic such as these listed above. A group of maximum 30 people is ideal, although there is no upper limit on attendees.

We do ask for a donation to Richard House in return for delivering either a seminar or webinar to your team, this is calculated subject to the requirements of the session and you can discuss this with your Corporate Partnerships Manager prior to booking. This is to cover our expert care team's time in preparing and delivering the sessions, as this is outside of their core work supporting our families, children and young adults. 


As a step up from a one-off seminar, we are also able to offer workshop services at a competitive cost, available for two of the above key topics with a group of your staff. 

Workshops would be comprised of four, 90 minute seminars delivered over a month or an appropriate time span in agreement with Richard House and the needs of your team. 

    If you are interested in creating a workshops series or wish to discuss another concern you have, please get in touch and we can talk through options and associated costs.