I live in Essex with my 16 year old daughter and try to keep fit with yoga and Pilates!

I studied at Anglia Ruskin University and achieved my degree in Child Branch Nursing. I worked as a school nurse in Brentwood, where I was responsible for four primary schools and one secondary school; providing nutrition advice and vaccinations and ran drop in sexual health clinics in the secondary school. I also have counselling qualifications.

I volunteered at a local children’s hospice ten years ago and had felt this is somewhere I could make a difference in the future.

I work within a marvellous team, who work very well together and are always there to offer support to each other, which is vital for us for as nurses to continue to deliver quality care to the children; ensuring we are up to date with best practice and share innovation while striving for excellence.

I think children’s hospices play an essential and integral part in modern healthcare. Hospices encompass the needs of the child and family within the community offering much needed support. I am proud to be able to be part of such a vital service.