Always available for a coffee and a chat (virtually for now!), event support, and all your other partnership needs, meet the team...

Kathryn Elvin - Head of Corporate Engagement and Partnerships

After a career in Creative Event Production, Kat moved across to the charity sector and joined Richard House in July 2017. Highlights from her time at Richard House include spreading awareness of Richard House to an audience of 400 people at the Science Museum and arranging for 12 Lamborghini's to visit the hospice as a treat for the children and their families! "One of my favourite things about Richard House is how it gives children and their families access to experiences that they would never get otherwise, you can see the immeasurable joy and happiness that it brings to them and the positive impact that has on their wellbeing. I love working with corporate partners who are passionate about that as well and can help us facilitate those unforgettable moments for families who need it the most."

Contact Kat

Jess Dellow - Senior Corporate Partnerships Manager

Joining the Richard House team in September 2020, Jess has worked in the charity sector for over seven years, gaining experience across the sector in a variety of roles. “I’m absolutely delighted to be working at Richard House Children’s Hospice, it gives me immense pleasure working at a charity that is so integral to the community. I’m so proud of services and support we offer our families and children, from residential stays to days out with the family. I’m looking forward to the future at Richard House and being able to safely meet our families and children.” 

Contact Jess

Katy Scales - Corporate Partnerships Fundraiser

Katy joined the Richard House Corporate team in October 2020. She has worked within the public and charity sector for over 6 years, having previously worked at University of East Anglia, Tate and Alzheimer’s Society. Building relationships has always been a highlight of Katy’s job and she enjoys seeing the mutual benefits that partnership bring. “Even after a few months of working at Richard House, I am blown away by the incredible work of our partners. 2020 saw the entire hospice team adapt quickly and I’m proud to work for such a valuable and inclusive charity”.

Contact Katy

Connor Hinchcliffe - Corporate Partnerships Fundraiser

Connor is the most recent addition to the Richard House Corporate team, starting in August 2021. He joins us from the private sector, working for large-scale events companies and specialising in Sponsorship Agreements and Negotiations. The collaborative nature of partnerships and the continual learning opportunities through these are always areas Connor enjoys. “Playing even a small part in allowing the families and children of Richard House to create happy and life-long memories is the element I am looking forward to most. Working collaboratively with the incredible partners Richard House have, in order to put a smile on the faces of our children and their families in their most difficult times, is something I am incredibly proud and grateful to be a part of!"

Contact Connor